Community College Legal and Policy Training
TASB Community College Services offers in-depth, customized training on a variety of legal and policy topics for your community college.
TASB Community College Services offers in-depth, customized training on a variety of legal and policy topics for your community college.
Legal Training
TASB community college attorneys frequently present on legal topics at various state and regional training events. You may also contact TASB to schedule in-service training or other legal training for trustees, administrators, faculty, or staff in your community college. Topics include:
- Sexual, racial, and other forms of harassment, violence, and bullying
- First Amendment issues
- Grievances
- Open Meetings Act
- Public Information Act
- Records retention
- Student records
- Investigating misconduct
- Hot legal topics
We are happy to help you plan your in-service training by suggesting topics, times, and target audiences. Distance learning is also available by request.
Policy Development and Maintenance Training
Community College Services offers resources that introduce policy management and policymaking to administrators and trustees. TASB policy consultants can often be seen presenting at various state and regional training events and conducting board training when they visit a college in the context of a localized policy manual project.
Policy consultants are available for custom local and regional training sessions when changes in law or personnel make them necessary.